We understand that a dog's appetite can speak volumes about its well-being and readiness for training. Just like humans, dogs can sometimes experience fluctuations in their eating habits, leaving concerned owners and trainers alike searching for answers. We are going to discuss the common reasons for your dog's lack of appetite.2024-08-06
Living with a paw partner comes with some challenges, though. One of the most common issues you may encounter when you are a dog parent, is related to the smell of your doggo. Based on the breed, coat, and your dog’s lifestyle, the type and intensity of their specific odor may vary. However, getting rid of persistent dog smell from the coach might become a challenging task that requires effective “strategies”! Let’s explore the most common causes of our paw friends’ smell and some helpful tips on how to eliminate it from your coach!2024-07-30
Taking your dog or cat to the vet for regular examination is a part of the process of raising a pet. In best case scenarios, these visits are routine, and their purpose is to confirm that your beloved furry friend is healthy. In other cases, these visits are rather unpleasant as they are needed due to an illness, or an accident that your pet may have faced. Some of these visits may be accompanied by running blood tests. Although undergoing a blood test may not be your paw friend’s favorite procedure in the world, it can give the vet a helpful insight into your pet’s health condition and help them prescribe proper treatment.2024-07-22
We are here to talk about one of the most exciting aspects of feline ownership – cat vomit. Why do cats vomit? What types of vomiting there are? What should you do about it? All these questions will be answered below. Cat vomiting is perceived as common for our household-variety felines. However, please understand that your cat is not feeling good while vomiting and there may be a serious medical issue involved so we should stay vigilant.2024-07-15
We acknowledge the profound impact that even minor health issues can have on a dog’s ability to perform their duties effectively. Among these concerns, itchy paws are a common but often overlooked problem that can cause significant discomfort and distraction for our loyal companions. In this article, we will explore the various causes of itchy paws in dogs, discuss effective treatments, and highlight preventive strategies to keep our canines healthy, comfortable and happy.