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How to Remove Dog Smell from the Couch


What do we love about dogs? Everything! They are smart, funny, affectionate and bring joy and unconditional love into our lives!

Living with a paw partner comes with some challenges, though. One of the most common issues you may encounter when you are a dog parent, is related to the smell of your doggo. Based on the breed, coat, and your dog’s lifestyle, the type and intensity of their specific odor may vary. However, getting rid of persistent dog smell from the coach might become a challenging task that requires effective “strategies”!

Let’s explore the most common causes of our paw friends’ smell and some helpful tips on how to eliminate it from your coach!

Causes of Bad Smell in Dogs

Understanding the cause of a specific issue or event helps find the right solution or tool to address it. 

In the context of today’s topic- there are several factors that should be taken into consideration.

First, dogs naturally produce oils in their skin and coats, which can transfer onto upholstery, leaving behind a characteristic scent.

Additionally, the presence of dander, which are tiny flecks of skin shed by dogs, can easily spread into the air and land on the furniture. This is likely to intensify the smell.

The oils and dander provide a suitable environment for bacteria to develop, which leads to further unpleasant odors.

Moreover, specific dog breeds such as the Basset Hound, the Shar Pei, the Bulldog, the Pug are considered more prone to producing stronger-smelling oils. Pet owners of these breeds may have it more difficult to eliminate the specific smell their furry friend leaves on the coach.

Last but not least, each puppy owner should be prepared for some incidents at home until the puppy becomes fully housebroken. Placing pee pads in various areas at home and encouraging the pup to eliminate on them (with treats and praises) can help you potty-train your paw companion more quickly. Once the pup receives all the needed vaccinations and can go outside, you might continue practicing outdoors and rewarding your dog for showing the desired behavior.

Incidents may also occur if your furry buddy is elderly and/or suffers from health conditions like incontinence. In this case, you should consult with a veterinarian regarding a proper treatment for your dog.

Regardless of the specific reason your paw friend might have left a stronger odor on the couch, you should not yell at them or punish them. Reinforce the desired behavior, instead, by rewarding them with their favorite treats and praising them for being calm and well-mannered.


Tips on How To Eliminate Dog Smell from the Couch

Regular Cleaning

Our lives have become very dynamic and the last thing we want to think of when coming home from a long day at work is cleaning... Unfortunately, this is needed, especially if you have a furry buddy at home. 

Regular sanitation is one of the most effective ways to keep your house spotless and prevent your dog’s strong odor to stick to furniture. Vacuuming your couch cushions and upholstery will help you remove loose pet hair and dander, which are the two major reasons for unpleasant odors. Vacuum cleaners usually come with different attachments based on the type of the surface that will be cleaned. The specialized attachment for upholstery will help you reach even the tiniest and hard to reach corners where hair might have accumulated.

Regular maintenance will help you prevent dander from building up, which, in turn, reduces the chances of unpleasant odors to accumulate.

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning might be needed along with regular vacuum cleaning, especially if you deal with old stains that are difficult to remove.

It is a good option if you want to clean your upholstery more thoroughly, scrubbing not only fur and dander by also potential allergens, dirt and bacteria.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a great tool to remove unpleasant odor as it is natural, budget-friendly and effective.

Simply sprinkle some baking soda on the affected area and let it sit for around 15 minutes, or longer, based on how intensive the smell is. If the odor is very strong, you might leave it on the couch for several hours or overnight to fully absorb the odors. After vacuum cleaning it, you should notice that the odor is completely gone or at least significantly reduced.

Fabric Freshener

You can do your research and choose any of the fabric fresheners that are offered on the market, based on their quality, reviews, and price, or make your own freshener!

If you decide to show your creativity and make your own freshener at home, you might be glad to know how easy it is! You just need:

1. Spray bottle (you can use an old one from an already used freshener);

2. Tablespoon of baking soda;

3. Several drops of an essential oil based on your preferences (citrus-scented oils, lavender and eucalyptus might be great options);

4. Water (Pour water until it reaches ¾ of the bottle).

As an alternative to the baking soda, you can use a distilled white vinegar, which is known for its great properties to eliminate odors, and sanitize surfaces.


If your pillow covers and/or blankets are machine washable, you should directly put them in the washing machine and let it do the rest of the job! Always read the care labels and make sure you follow the instructions for proper care.

You can also opt for a gentle hand wash, ensuring that the water is not excessively hot, as high temperatures may harm the color or cause the fabric to shrink.

Enzymatic Cleaner

Sometimes the unpleasant odor that dogs left on upholstery is related to the presence of pee. If this is your case, then an enzymatic cleaner might be the best option for you.

These products are specifically designed to break down the proteins in urine, which helps remove not only the stain but also the unpleasant smell.

The use of an enzymatic cleaner is recommended for eliminating more stubborn smells that might have soaked in the upholstery. Another benefit of enzymatic cleaners is that they will make the affected area less attractive to your paw friend, discouraging them from going to the same spot.

Sunlight and Fresh Air

Simple, completely natural, completely free - what better way to fight unpleasant odor that has been accumulated in your upholstery, than bringing it on a fresh air. If bringing out the whole couch is not possible, you might want to remove the cushion covers and let them lie outside in the fresh air.

Keep in mind that different fabrics react differently to sunlight. For instance, you should be very careful with delicate fabrics like silk and linen, which can fade quickly. Synthetic and semisynthetic fabrics, on the other hand, such as polyester and acrylic, are known for being sunlight-resistant.

It is advisable that you do not let them outside under a direct sunlight too often and for a prolonged time. Also, you might want to regularly switch the sides exposed to the sun.

Professional Cleaning

If the unpleasant dog smell persists despite your efforts, you might want to opt for professional cleaning services. Professional cleaners have access to equipment and tools that are specially designed to eliminate strong odors.

It is likely to be more expensive, however, spending money on keeping your home clean and free of any unpleasant odors is worth it, even if it is once in a while.

Welcoming a paw friend into your home will provide you with an experience full of joy and love However, our furry buddies come with certain challenges such as the unpleasant they may occasionally leave on the upholstery.

Sometimes, eliminating the unpleasant odor from the couch might seem a fight impossible to win. However, regular maintenance of our homes and the use of the proper tools will help us create a clean and fresh living environment for us and our paw companions!