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A Guide to Feeding Raw Bones For Dogs


So, you are looking to add a little flavor and nutrition to your furry buddy's mealtime, eh? Well, tossing them some tasty bones might just do the trick, but hold your horses! Before you go all-in on bones, have a chat with your veterinarian to see if it's the right move for your particular pup. Some dogs dealing with serious health stuff, allergies, or tummy troubles might not be cut out for bone-chomping adventures.

What Are the Right Bones for Feeding a Dog?

Let's talk about the right bones to feed your four-legged friend. Raw meaty bones from chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, or pork are what you're looking for. But be smart about it! Make sure those bones are not too big for your little buddy. A Chihuahua shouldn't be wrestling with a bone that rivals them in size. We want to keep those throats and intestines free from any blockages, right?

For all you doggos out there, there are some better choices when it comes to bones. Go for the softer ones like the ribs, neck bones, and tails of smaller animals. They're easier to chew and digest, and you'll have a happier hound.

If you are not too sure about going raw, don't fret! There are commercial options like rawhide, bones, and dental chews you can grab from your local pet store or even some big convenience spots. Just make sure to keep an eye on your pup while they are indulging in bone time and remove any little pieces that might cause a choke party. We do not recommend giving alone time to your pup if they are gnawing on a bone.

What Bones We Should Avoid?

Now, let's talk about what bones to avoid like the plague. Stay away from those weight-bearing bones, alright? I know, I know, in the movies, we see dogs going wild over giant bones, but trust me, it ain't a good idea. Those big femurs, hips, and spine bones from larger animals are way too hard and can crack your dog's pearly whites or mess up their digestion. And let's not even think about cooked bones, okay? They get all weak and brittle from the cooking process, turning them into a splinter nightmare that could cause some serious harm.

What Are the Health Benefits of Feeding Bones to Your Dog?

You know, aside from all the health perks, raw bones can be a total game-changer for your furry pal. Picture this: the right type and size of bone, and your dogs in for some serious fun, chewing and gnawing away. Not only does it beef up their jaw muscles and give those pearly whites a good scrub, but it also gets their nogging working with some mental stimulation. It's like a full-on entertainment package for your pooch! That means no more boredom or pesky behavioral issues for those pups and grown-up doggos. Happiness and contentment all around!

Not to mention that if you are working from home, you are going to need your dog entertained so you can do some work in peace and quiet. Some breeders will even drop large raw meaty bones in the pens of their new litter. The idea is to let the new puppies practice biting and nipping and tearing, keeping their teeth clean and relieving the pain in their gums when growing all those little teeth. 

But hang on, there's more! Picking the perfect bone size for your specific doggo is key for top-notch dental hygiene. Crunching on those bones acts like a natural toothbrush, keeping' their chompers clean and keeping dental issues at bay. You wouldn't want to underestimate the importance of keeping your paw partner's smile on point if you want them around for the long haul.

Now, here's a little tip for you: dogs that regularly chow down on bones tend to have some solid stomach walls and a lower risk of bloat. But don't go overboard, folks! After any meal, especially when bones are involved, it's best to keep your pup away from vigorous exercise, jumps, leaps, and tugging/pulling. You see, exercising right after grubbing can up the chances of a nasty stomach twist and bloat, and we definitely don't want that. Additionally, the bones are a rich source of Zinc, Selenium, and Magnesium that will boost your pooch’s natural immune defenses.

Changing your dog's diet is not something you should do on a whim and should be done after careful consideration. Feeding dogs exclusively a raw diet has been proven to come with some nutritional deficiencies.

How Often Can You Add Bones to Your Dog’s Meal?

Ah, the age-old question – how often can you treat your pup to some bone-tastic goodness? Well, buckle up, because the answer isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. It all comes down to your dog's size, breed, health, and meal plan. That's right, folks, we're talking personalized bone-time!

And here's the thing, before you go all-in on the bone buffet, it's smart to chat it up with your vet. You know, get their expert opinion on whether bones are a good match for your furry friend. Because let's face it, some dogs with dental issues or tummy troubles might need to steer clear of the bone brigade.

Now, pay attention, this part's important. Bones should never be the main course at your dog's dinner party. Nope, not gonna cut it! A well-balanced diet is the name of the game, my friends. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals – the whole menu! It's like fuel for their overall health, keeping them running like an Italian Greyhound after a robo-rabbit.

Can Chew Toys and Dental Sticks Replace Raw Bones?

We get it, chew toys can be pretty handy for our furry pals and not everybody is willing to cope with the smell and feel of raw bones. However, chew toys can't replace the real deal when it comes to nutrition. Yup, natural bones are where it's at for our four-legged buddies. But here's the kicker, some of those synthetic toys and bones are loaded with hormone-disrupting chemicals like BPA and phthalates (substances added to plastics to increase their flexibility). And that isn't good news for your dog's health and reproductive system. So, do yourself a favor – read those labels before dropping any money on chew toys.

Now, if you're still looking to spoil your pooch with a chew toy, go for the ones made with natural materials or child-safe non-BPA plastic. Because, let's face it, you got to think about the whole family, especially if you got kids running around the house and getting their hands on those toys. Safety first, right?

Alright, now let's talk dental treats. They can be a total game-changer for your dog's oral hygiene and provide some awesome entertainment. But here's the thing – dental sticks are not going to cut it when it comes to replacing the magic of natural bones, at least according to some vets. Although, both products are similar in efficiency when it comes to keeping your dog's mouth clean.

You see, chewing on raw bones is like a dentist's dream come true for your dog's teeth. That naturally abrasive texture works like a charm, busting plaque and tartar buildup all the way down to the gum line. It's like a spa treatment for their chompers! Meanwhile, some of those dental treats might be packing unhealthy or harmful stuff, so do yourself a solid – always check the label before tossing them to your pup.

And here's the bottom line, pals – just relying on dental treats might not give your dog the full dental health support they need. That's where bones come into play, giving your furry buddy that extra boost for overall oral hygiene.

Stay Vigilant

The key to bone happiness is tailor-made for your pupper. Just keep those health factors in check, and your furry companion will be one happy camper! It is aware that you are trying to keep the mealtime exciting and healthy, but always be cautious and do right by your pup. Happy bone-chewing!