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How to Pick Safe Cat Toys


Our feline friends are known to be playful creatures, and providing them with the right toys can help keep them entertained, healthy and happy. However, it is important that we are cautious when choosing cat toys, as some may be potentially dangerous to our paw friends.

In this article, we will discuss how to pick safe cat toys, taking into account various factors such as material, size, and design. We will also provide you with some tips on how to play with your cat safely.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Cat Toys


The material is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting safe toys for our feline friends. Some materials may be harmful to cats if ingested or if they come into contact with their skin or eyes. For example, toys made of cheap plastic or foam can easily break apart, exposing your cat to small pieces that may cause choking or intestinal blockage if swallowed. Therefore, we would recommend that you opt for toys made of durable materials such as rubber, silicone, or natural fibers like wool or cotton.

Additionally, some cats may have allergies to certain materials, such as synthetic fabrics or latex. If you notice that your cat is showing signs of allergic reactions, such as itching, redness, or sneezing, stop using the toy immediately and switch to one made of a different material.


Size is another important factor to consider when choosing cat toys. Toys that are too small can easily be swallowed or get stuck in your cat's throat, causing choking or other serious health problems. As a general rule, a toy should be large enough so that your cat cannot swallow it or get it stuck in his/her throat. On the other hand, toys that are too large may not be easily grasped by your paw friend, which can make him/her lose interest quickly.

Make sure that the size of the toy is suitable for your cat so that he/she can play comfortably without being exposed to potential danger.


The design of cat toys can also play a role when talking about safety. Toys with sharp edges pointed tips, or loose parts can be dangerous to your little fellow, as they may cause injuries, and wounds, or be ingested.

For example, toys with strings or ribbons can be fun for cats to play with, but they can also pose a risk of strangulation if they get tangled around their necks or limbs.

Similarly, toys that feature some small parts like bells can be easily detached and swallowed, causing choking or intestinal blockage.

Having said that, it is recommended that you choose toys with simple designs and no sharp or loose parts. Toys that are easy to grip and handle, such as balls or soft plush toys, can be a good choice for your beloved feline friend.

Tips on How to Play with Your Cat Safely

In addition to choosing safe toys, it is also important to follow some basic safety tips when playing with your feline friend.


You should supervise your cat's playtime. Always watch your cat when playing with toys, especially if they are new ones and your kitty still does not have experience with them or if they have loose or small parts. Keep an eye on your cat's behavior and remove any toys that seem to be worn out, or have parts that are sticking out.

Avoid Overstimulation

While it is important to provide your cat with enough exercise and both physical and mental stimulation, you should not overdo it. Some cats can get overly excited during playtime, which can lead to aggressive behavior or even accidents.

We would recommend that you should take some breaks when playing with your paw friend and let him/her rest if he/she seems exhausted or agitated.

Use the Right Toys

By choosing appropriate toys based on your cat's age, size, and personality, you will make sure that he/she will have a pleasant and safe playtime.

Some cats prefer interactive toys, such as feather wands or laser pointers, while others enjoy chasing and playing with small balls or stuffed toys.

If you are not sure what toys your cat would like the most, you can always experiment with different types of toys in order to find out which one will be your cat’s favorite.

Toy Storage

Another important aspect of playing with your cat is the right way to store his/her toys. By “right way” we generally mean “safely”. Once the playtime is over, you should make sure to store the toys in a place that your cat won't be able to access. This will prevent your paw friend from reaching them and accidentally swallowing them or getting tangled when you are not there to supervise the play.

Toy Cleaning

Properly cleaning your cat’s toys is essential for keeping a clean and safe environment. By regularly washing his/her toys, you will prevent bacteria and germs from spreading. It is also advisable, that you let the toys air dry before you give them back to your paw friend.

Consider the Environment

Taking the environment into account is another important aspect of the process of properly raising a pet. The type of toys that are safe and appropriate for a cat can vary depending on the living space, the lifestyle, and if there are other pets in the household.

For example, if you live in a small apartment with limited space for your cat to run and play, you may want to provide him/her with puzzle toys, such as puzzle feeders that will help him/her improve his/her problem-solving skills; interactive toys like toys that dangle from a string or roll, or mice-like toys; scratching posts-they can encourage your paw friend to exhibit natural behavior, help him/her exercise and also keep your furniture safe; laser pointers-these can be very rewarding for pets living in small apartments as they will motivate them to run, play and exercise without needing too much space.

On the other hand, if you live in a big apartment or a house, which provides your cat with a larger space to run and play, you may opt for toys to fetch.

As mentioned above, the number of pets in the household is also an important factor to pay attention to, when choosing toys for them. For example, if you have multiple cats or a cat and a dog, you should choose toys that are safe for all of them. Make sure that all your pets have enough toys to play with and that there is no competition for toys.

Also, if your cat is still too young, you should be even more cautious when playing with him/her. Kittens can easily injure themselves when running, jumping, or chewing all kinds of items (especially non-edible ones).

Selecting safe cat toys is essential to keep your feline friend healthy, happy, and entertained. When choosing toys, you should consider various factors such as the material, size, and design of the toy, and always supervise your cat during playtime. By keeping in mind some basic safety tips and choosing appropriate toys based on your cat's age, size, and personality, you can ensure that your paw friend’s playtime is both enjoyable and safe.

Remember that playing with your cat is not only a great way to bond with him/her but also an important aspect of his/her physical and mental well-being.