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How to Help Dogs With Arthritis Pain


Our senior canine family often suffers from mobility issues and joint pain from arthritis. You are probably looking for the best pain relief for arthritis right now and that is how you got here. You may have already looked into information that says CBD oil can help with arthritis pain in dogs. We are going to cover not only that but also recommend ways how to relieve dog arthritis pain.

What Is Arthritis in Dogs? Is It Different From Humans?

Arthritis in dogs is a long-lasting and life-long inflammatory disease that affects the animal’s joints. It is caused when the cartilage between joints becomes less smooth and damaged. This causes the surface of the connected bones to rub together. This is accompanied by pain and the joints become stiff. This is not so different from how it develops in humans. Although in humans this condition develops in our elder years and it is very rare in young people.

In dogs, unlike humans, osteoarthritis actually tends to start at a young age says the American Association of Veterinarians. Experts believe that early diagnosis and comprehensive treatment can help tremendously in managing the pain and the rate at which the disease progresses. Although there is no cure for canine arthritis you can still work to make your dog’s senior years less painful.

How to Recognize Canine Arthritis?

If you are not sure whether your senior canine has Arthritis there are a few things you can ask yourself and reflect on the recent weeks and months with your paw partner. Does your dog appear reluctant to stand from a lying down position? Has your dog shown uncertainty or unwillingness to jump on your bed but they have done that for years? Does your dog’s rump seem leaner/skinnier than before?

If you have answered “yes” to the questions above, then you should take your dog for a full physical checkup and talk to your veterinarian. Your vet will examine the dog’s posture, stride and talk to you about your observations. You may need to do blood work too. The vet is going to look for signs of pain during a physical checkup, test the dog’s passive range of movement and do a radiographic scan of the joints.

These examinations will enable your veterinarian to put a diagnosis and grade the Arthritis condition (if any) on a scale from 1 to 4. Stages 0 and 1 are clinically normal and have minimal risk factors while Stage 2 is mild Arthritis. Stage 3 is moderate and stage 4 is severe Arthritis.

What Is the Best Pain Relief for Arthritis in Dogs?

Please, keep in mind that the tips listed below may not work for every dog and it is important to consult with your veterinarian before you do any major changes in the life of your paw partner, introduce a new diet, or try to do a physical treatment.

1. Pain Medications

Your vet may prescribe pain medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other pain-relieving medications to help alleviate your dog's discomfort. Follow the prescribed dosage and inform your vet of any side effects. Although NSAIDs have some side effects they are considered some of the best medications to combat Arthritis pain. Their impact is being actively tracked by organizations like the British Veterinary Association and posted in journals like the Clinical Practice Volume 41, Issue 4. Your vet may discuss medications like Galliprant, Gabapentin, and Tramadol among others.

Please, note that in the past veterinarians prescribed over-the-counter aspirin to relieve joint pain in dogs. Aspirin inhibits blood clotting and its anti-clotting effect lasts a week or longer. Aspirin can also interact with other medication that your dog already takes and this is a recipe for disaster so we strongly recommend against using it.

2. Weight Management

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial for dogs with arthritis. Extra weight places additional stress on their joints, exacerbating the pain. Please make sure that your dog follows a balanced diet and engages in regular exercises appropriate for their condition, such as gentle walks or swimming.

3. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can be highly beneficial in managing arthritis pain. Some dog owners have reported the positive impact of acupuncture and acupressure on their senior pets. Acupressure is a form of alternative therapy in which manual pressure is used to stimulate specific points on the body along what are considered to be lines of energy. It is not as invasive as Acupuncture where needs are inserted in key points.

Acupuncture improves blood flow and increases the amount of metabolic waste the body can remove, so there is a systemic benefit. Acupuncture relaxes muscles and stimulates the release of naturally occurring pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory substances. You may be interested to know that acupuncture may decrease the amount of pain medication needed to treat dogs with Arthritis. This has been confirmed by the VCA Animal Hospitals as well as studies conducted by the American Veterinary Association.

Most pain medications and anti-inflammatory drugs are quite safe but may affect organ function. Make sure to visit your vet for checkups at least once a month if you are doing acupuncture treatment for your dog. If you would like to ease arthritis pain in your pet dog through acupuncture/acupressure therapy, please talk to your local vet to find a veterinary acupuncturist.

There are exercises and techniques that your vet can explain to you so you can strengthen your dog's muscles, improve joint mobility, and reduce pain. Do not forget that gentle massage and physical touch can help soothe your dog's sore joints and muscles. Your pet can benefit from spending more time with you in their sunset years.

4. Comfortable Living Environment

Make adjustments to your dog's living environment to enhance your furry partner’s comfort. Provide soft and padded bedding to support their joints, particularly in areas they frequent. Placing fluffy beds for your pet around your home is surely going to relieve pain for them. Consider installing ramps in elevated areas of your home where they spent a lot of time so you can minimize the strain on their joints.

5. Low-Impact Exercise

Engage your dog in low-impact exercises that don't put excessive strain on their joints. Controlled activities like short walks, swimming, or gentle play can help maintain joint flexibility and muscle strength. This will aid in keeping your dog mentally stimulated as well. Avoid high-impact activities, such as running, jumping, or games that involve pulling and pushing.

6. Warmth and Comfort

Keep your dog warm, especially during colder months. Arthritic joints can become more painful in cold weather. Provide warm and cozy bedding, use heated pads or blankets, and consider fitting your dog with a well-fitting jacket or sweater when going outside.

7. Dietary Supplements

Some dietary supplements, such as glucosamine and chondroitin, may help improve joint health and alleviate arthritis symptoms. Studies published in the journal Veterinary Dermatology Volume 4, Issue 4 (December 1993) suggest that fatty acids have a positive effect on dogs with musculoskeletal diseases. You will likely need to adjust your dog’s diet as part of the treatment for arthritis. Consult your veterinarian to determine the appropriate supplements and dosages for your dog.

8. Assistive Devices

Depending on your dog's condition, assistive devices like orthopedic braces, harnesses, or carts may provide support and help your pet move with greater ease and comfort. Talk to your vet or a veterinary orthopedic specialist for recommendations.

CBD Oil for Dogs With Arthritis Pain

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a chemical compound found in the cannabis sativa plant. CBD is often extracted in oil form and mixed with an inert carrier oil like hemp seed oil for use. CBD oil interacts with neuroreceptors which send signals between your cells to help regulate your movement, mood, and immune system. There is research from September 2020 in the Journal of the International Association for the Study of Pain supports the claim that CBD oil can significantly reduce pain and increase mobility in a dose-dependent fashion among animals with Arthritis.

Treatment with CBD oil indicated no significant detrimental impact based on clinical chemistry monitoring. The most common side effect of using CBD oil is reported to be mild diarrhea. Relatively rare side effects include redness around the ears and discharge from the eyes. These side effects are considered within acceptable ranges and it may be worth investigating CBD oil treatments in your area. Please, consult your vet before using CBD oil as a pain reliever for dogs with Arthritis.


Hopefully, we have helped you build up an understanding of the best pain relief for arthritis in dogs. Keep in mind that in order to ease arthritis pain in dogs you need to have a comprehensive approach. There are many practices and medicine for dog arthritis that can improve the quality of life for your canine family members.