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Dog Walking Accessories to Level Up Your Daily Stroll


Whether it is hot or cold, early in the morning or late in the evening, our paw companions need their daily walks. They are not only needed for potty breaks but also provide dogs with the opportunity to stay physically fit, socialize, play, spend some energy, and last but not least-spend quality time with their beloved humans. Going on a walk with your furry friend is a great way to bond with them and get to know them better.

Both humans and canines will benefit from using the maximum potential of the time spent outdoors. In order to fully enjoy that time, we’ve decided to give you some tips on what accessories may level up your walks and make them a great experience!

Treat Training Pouch

Simple, easy to carry, and very practical! It can also become a great sport accessory to your clothing.

Why should you carry a treat pouch? As the name implies, it can be a helpful tool while your paw friend is in training. You will be able to put delicious treats there which your furry friend will receive as a reward for showing the wanted behavior.

You may think that a treat pouch can be beneficial only for dogs who go through vigorous training to participate in competitions or to become support animals. However, encouraging the desired behaviors through treats, and praise is a good way to shape your canine’s behavior and guide it in the right direction.

Another thing, that is worth noting, is that treat pouches are usually equipped with several departments, so you will be able to place additional items such as your phone, keys, or a poop bag to clean after your dog. Practical, right?

Treat pouches come in different designs, and colors and are made of different materials. You can opt for the type that suits your needs the best. Our advice is that you choose a quality material that is waterproof.

Waste Pickup Tool with Bag Dispenser

Cleaning after your pup during a walk is maybe the least favorite part of being a dog owner ... Do you carry a tissue to carefully pick up their stool without making your hands dirty? Do you have a bag to put the waste in?

A waste pickup tool can spare you time and reduce the unpleasant feeling when cleaning after your dog. There are practical designs on the market that allow you to simply pick up your dog’s waste with a tool in a “claw” shape and immediately put it in a bag that is already included in the tool.

We believe that this item is among the accessories that will make the walks of many dog owners much more pleasant.

Collapsible Bowl

How so is a bowl collapsible? Easy! Made of food-grade silicone, there are foldable food/water bowls on the market, that can definitely come in handy during your walks!

Collapsible bowls can be extremely helpful in the summer when temperatures usually reach high levels. As responsible pet owners, we should never forget that it is essential for our dogs and cats to stay hydrated.

By carrying a collapsible bowl, we make sure that we are always ready to provide our dogs with water or food. These items are super light and easy to carry and can be simply attached to the dog’s collar, to your bag, or jeans.

Reusable, durable, and super easy for transportation- a collapsible bowl will make your beloved paw friend enjoy your walks even more!

Dog Clothing

We know that dog clothing is not suitable for all dogs, but based on the breed and the weather conditions, it can definitely come in handy!

By dog clothing, we mean everything from sweaters, jackets, and raincoats to boots and hats. Some dog breeds, especially the small ones or those with thin and short coats, are more sensitive to high and low temperatures.

Putting a warm jacket or soft sweater on your little fellow will help them endure the cold outdoors and enjoy the walk.

Doggie boots can come in handy not only in winter but also in summer when concrete can get extremely hot and burn your dog’s paws. This is why it is recommended that you opt for grassy areas, keeping in mind that they should be free of pesticides and toxins. Always pay attention to any notifications about pesticides placed around such areas.

Since our paw friends need to go on daily walks, we should make sure that they feel comfortable outdoors regardless of the weather. Also, it is advisable to choose a time of the day for a walk, when temperatures are neither too high nor too low.

LED Dog Collar

The next item on the list is specially designed for dog owners who enjoy going on walks with their furry friends late in the evening or even at night!

This is actually a good time to enjoy your pet’s company, as streets and parks are less noisy and more pleasant to explore. Temperatures in the summer are more endurable in the night which is another advantage of nighttime walks.

Despite all the pros of taking your canine on a walk at night/in the evening, there are also cons... The lack of daily light and or eventually insufficient street lighting can make it difficult for drivers and passersby to notice your paw friend. In order to avoid any potential incidents, it is advisable that you put an LED collar or similar item to help increase visibility at night.

LED collars and other types of training/identification accessories for nighttime walks come in various colors and designs to ensure a fun and joyful experience for you and your doggie!


Reflective Vest

If LED lights bring you too many Christmas vibes, then a reflective vest may be a better choice for you!

It will help passersby and drivers recognize your canine at a distance.

If you opt for this item, make sure to choose the right size for your dog, so they feel comfortable. Vests shouldn’t be too tight or too large.

A simple way to figure out if the vest will fit your canine is to measure the girth of their chest around the widest part of the torso. You can use a tape measure. There should be a space (about two fingers) between their chest and the vest for maximum comfort.

Make sure the vest is made of a durable material and is adjustable. This is especially important for young pups, who are still growing and will outgrow any clothing or accessories very quickly.

Glow Ball

A glowing ball is another helpful item for those who prefer to take their dogs on walks in the evening.

Maybe the owners of Golden Retrievers, Jack Russell Terriers, and Spaniels will be particularly interested in this toy!

Having an energetic paw friend, for whom playing fetch and protecting their ball is not a simple activity, but a true passion can be as fun as it is challenging! A glowing ball will not only help you better supervise your dog when outdoors but will make playing fetch more pleasant for your canine as well!

They won’t need to search for the ball a long time in the dark but will be able to easily find it and bring it back to you.

Dog Stroller

The owners of large dog breeds may laugh now while imagining how they walk around their German Shepherds or Newfoundlands in a stroller…

However, if you have a very young pup, who you want to keep safe and secure while showing them the neighborhood or just your garden or backyard, a dog stroller can be a good option! You may already know that pups should go outside after they are fully vaccinated, and some vets even recommend a buffer period of two weeks after the last shot. During this time it is not recommended that your pup interacts with outdoor animals.

If you have an adult paw friend, a dog stroller can also come in handy, if they are a representative of a small dog breed. For instance, if you go to a crowded place, your little fellow can easily be overlooked by passersby and accidentally stepped over and injured. Putting them in a stroller can be a good solution in such cases.

Dog Carrier Backpack

If a dog stroller is a bit too much for you, then you may want to consider a dog carrier backpack instead.

Carrier backpacks are suitable for small/medium-sized dogs. They usually can accommodate dogs whose weight does not exceed 10-15 lbs / 5-7 kg (for the smaller models) or 15-30 lbs / 7-14 kg for the larger models.

Carrying your paw friend in a backpack can help you easily transport them in overly crowded places without needing to leave them home alone.

Carrier backpacks for pets come in different designs and colors and are durable.

Leash with Two Handles

Why should you choose a leash with one handle, if you can have a leash with two handles?

A two-handle leash can be very helpful in situations where you need to have full control over your dog, i.e. when crossing a busy street or when a potential dog fight is likely to occur. There is no need to mention all the unpleasant situations you can avoid when your dog notices a cat, a bird, or a small rodent and goes after them.

Knowing that you have control over your canine in all types of situations enhances your confidence when walking them, especially if they are of a medium or large breed and tend to pull.

Instead of putting extreme effort into holding your dog back, why not just hold the leash like a pro on the two handles? If your partner, family member, or friend accompanies you during your walks, they may also help you keep your paw friend under control when needed.

Dog Backpack (Hiking Equipment)

If your dog is not just your paw friend whom you cuddle with on the couch, but also your adventurous buddy who accompanies you on every hike, then this item is just for you!

Dog backpacks are usually lightweight, and durable, and include a lot of storage departments. You will be able to place your dog’s supplies, such as food, water bowl, food/treats, first aid kit, waste bags, and clothing if needed.

Some models also have integrated harnesses and large handles for better control.

As mentioned above where we discussed vests, it is important that you choose the right size for your paw friend, so they feel comfortable, especially in the mountain.