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Can I Feed My Dog Chicken Every Day


Today, we want to talk to you about something that has most dogs wagging their tail like there's no tomorrow—chicken! You see, chicken isn't just a tasty treat for us humans, it's also a fantastic source of protein for our furry friends. And let me tell you, any Golden Retriever can vouch for that!

When it comes to feeding your dog, chicken can play a key role in their balanced diet. It's packed with muscle-building, tail-wag-inducing protein that keeps our four-legged pals strong and energized. Just like us, our pups need a balanced meal plan to stay healthy and happy. So, mix it up! Combine the power of chicken with other high-quality dog food, veggies, and all the good stuff that keeps their tails wagging with joy.

Chicken—it's not just for dinner. It's for our four-legged sidekicks too! Have you wondered if it would be possible to feed your canine chicken every day? 

What Parts of the Chicken Can Be Fed to a Dog?

Chicken is known to have many benefits for dogs, including increased muscle repair and help promote bone health. Our lovely pets can eat most parts of the chicken — including the meat, skin, bones, and offal (variety of meats/organ meats). Please, keep in mind that exclusively feeding chicken meat and bones to dogs does not provide a nutritionally adequate diet. If you want to feed your furry partner cooked chicken then make sure it is fully boiled and it has not been seasoned.

What Parts of the Chicken Are Dangerous to Dogs?

Chicken liver, wings, and chicken fat should be avoided. We want to add that chicken bones can splinter and cause blockages too so you might want to avoid feeding bones to your pooch. The liver is especially dangerous because it can be toxic to dogs and it can cause pancreatitis. Please, avoid any meat products that are highly processed and high in salt (sodium). Bacon, ham, pork, and turkey products meant for humans are highly unsuitable for your dog.

Can Your Dog Live Off of Chicken Meat Exclusively?

You may have heard of the Raw Food Diet also known as BARF (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food). While some dogs may thrive on meat products alone you should not feed your canine only chicken meat. Poultry meat is rich in protein, vitamins B3, B6, and B12, and minerals such as phosphorus and selenium. However, you should consult your veterinarian about the best meal plan for your pet.

Nutritional management is essential for keeping your canine friend healthy and ensuring their longevity. If your dog suffers from chronic health problems then they may need a special nutritional program as the “Review on Nutritional Management of Cardiac Disorders in Canines” study from 2009 shows.

How Much Chicken Meat Can a Dog Eat Per Day?

As a general rule, dogs can eat 1/3 of a cup of cooked chicken per 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of body weight per day. Perhaps, it would be easier to remember that it is safe for a dog to consume about 10% of their daily food in chicken meat. Any more than that and your family may need to deal with an overweight pet in the near future. Keep in mind that our recommendation here is under the assumption you will not add treats to your dog’s daily food.

When Is Chicken Meat Too Much for Dogs?

If you overfeed meat to your canine they are likely to experience indigestion, abdominal pains, diarrhea, and even blocked intestines in some cases. Poorly prepared chicken meat can be unsafe for consummation due to the Salmonella virus found in the intestines of various animals. Fortunately, Salmonella infections usually resolve in 5-7 days.

If you notice that your dog is pacing around and they have trouble finding a place to lie down after a few meat-rich meals or they show signs of diarrhea then you should consult your preferred veterinarian.

How Best to Use Chicken Meat?

As you may have already noticed, your canine loves meat and that can be used to your advantage. Boiled, raw, and dried (no sodium) chicken meat can be used best as high-value treats when you need to train your dog to focus and respond to commands quickly. Meat can be used to help you retain your dog’s focus for longer periods and motivate them to learn. You will need to adjust the food servings of your pet outside your training sessions of course. We do not want to have an overweight pet at home. Pets who struggle with their weight are at a much greater risk of cardiovascular diseases and joint-related problems.

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Chicken?

Dogs are not typically allergic to chicken, but some dogs may be allergic to certain proteins found in chicken as studies show. Symptoms of a potential poultry-related allergy include poor skin condition; diarrhea with or without vomiting after a meal; chronic ear or foot infections. If your dog has a poultry-related allergy, it is best to consult with your veterinarian to determine the cause of the allergy and the best course of treatment. Most allergies can be determined with a quick test.

Why Is Nutrition Management Important?

Neutering or spaying is a commonly recommended veterinary procedure that most owners may struggle to understand in terms of their pet’s nutritional requirements. If your dog has been neutered/spayed you should not make changes to their diet without consulting with a vet. There are many recent studies that prove calorie and nutrition management is vital for our pets if we want them to have comfortable lives in their elder years.

And remember folks, when you're serving chicken to your beloved pet, make sure it's cooked, boneless, skinless, spice-free, just like your pet’s superpower — pure, unadulterated love.